Today WayForward Technologies revealed its newest stretch goal for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. The developer will add voice-acting in English, with subtitles for other languages, if the crowdfunding campaign can reach $1.1 million.
"From Spongebob to Daffy Duck, we know how to write for, audition, coach, and record professional voiceover," WayForward wrote in an update. "Let’s make this happen and really bring Shantae and friends to life!"
The Kickstarter currently stands at over $445,000. It reached its target goal of $400,000 earlier this week. Eight days remain on the clock.
WayForward has set nine stretch goals for Shantae. The first at $500,000 makes villain Risky Boots a playable character.
Two more mystery stretch goals remain, although we already know that one is a bonus chapter. They sound cool, but at this pace, it's unlikely that we'll see most of these.
Shantae will release for current and next-gen systems, but not Nintendo 3DS. WayForward is planning Shantae and the Pirate's Curse exclusively for that handheld later this year.