Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch ‘Wizards Edition’ faces shortage, retailer profits off of error

PlayStation 3 owners that pre-ordered the limited Wizard's Edition of Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch through Namco Bandai's Club Namco are facing possible cancelations of their order.

Due to an 'error' in the Namco ordering system the Wrath of the White Witch was oversold; by how much, we still don't know. Digital River reps took to the Namco forums to inform customers that if they purchased the game prior to January 17 their order would still be shipped out. As for everyone else, their orders are in limbo unless they received an e-mail stating the cancelation of their order.

To twist the knife in the hearts of those that had their order canceled, PlayCanada, an online retailer, is selling the Wizards Edition for $400 on their Ebay store. That's about four times the cost of the original $99 price. PlayCanada has sold over 200 copies of the limited edition which we estimate has earned them a $60,000 profit. In a fair world this store would have it's remaining copies confiscated and sent to those that had pre-ordered through Namco, but this isn't that world. As of yet, the biggest repercussion they have faced is complaints to the Better Business Bureau.

If you pre-ordered Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch 'Wizards Edition'  and want to know the state of your order Namco suggests customers to call Digital River's customer service line at 952-392-2057.

Update 1/25/13: PlayCanada pulled the game listing from Ebay

There is a petition on to have Namco Bandai and Digital River fulfill all pre-orders of Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch 'Wizard's Edition'. A Facebook group has also been created to record complaints and display information on how to contact the companies appropriately. 

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