Nintendo 3DS update adds Miiverse and Nintendo Network ID

A new update for the Nintendo 3DS (Version 7.0.0-13U) has brought two key features to the portable handheld gaming device: Nintendo Network ID and Miiverse.

The former allows users to register a Nintendo Network ID to the 3DS. Users can choose to create a new ID or register the same ID created for their Wii U system. Opting for the latter allows users to combine their Nintendo eShop balances and Wish lists. A Nintendo Network ID will now be required to download free cotnent, including game demos, from Nintendo eShop.

In addition to Network IDs, today's update also brings Miiverse, Nintendo's online social hub, to the 3DS. Miiverse allows uers to connect with other players aroundt he world via Mii characters and provides a place for gamers to chat with other players, share accomplishments, and post tips for other players. Users can choose to post from the Nintendo 3DS, Wii U system, or online via computer or mobile device.

Lastly, the update allows 3DS owners transfer all of their content to different Nintendo 3DS systems an unlimited number of times, once every seven days. Prior to this update, users could only perform a system-to-system transfer a total of five times.

For more details, including how to download the update, check out Nintendo's official page.