The Nintendo NX is arguably gaming's biggest rumor mill right now, and that has everything to do with the fact that the company simply hasn't revealed it to the world. Apparently, they are very sensitive (triggered) about any mention of the system by the press, that they request it be removed from an article. This is apparently the case with one writer over at GameSkinny, who attended a Yo-Kai Watch 2 event in Toronto.
He spoke with Andrew Collins, a representative from Nintendo of Canada, and while the interview is predominantly on the topic of Yo-Kai Watch 2, there is a little snippet about the NX that appears to have been removed.
Here's the original blurb:
Here's what it was edited to later:
So it's clear that Nintendo doesn't want anyone talking about the NX. But here's where it gets a little…weird. On Nintendo's part at least. The segment above was edited a third time. Here's what it looks like right now:
It appears as though Nintendo has asked the writer to erase any notion that there was something taken out, to begin with. It's also odd that both original pieces of dialog include the phrase "before we begin." For all we know, the writer could very well have said the phrase, but it just doesn't make sense considering that we are aware that the Nintendo rep had the first recorded phrase.
The little blurb about the NX doesn't even reveal anything, other than the fact that Nintendo doesn't want you to know that they don't want you to know that they don't want to talk about the NX. I'm all for company's protecting secrets for the sake of a major reveal, but this seems a little odd knowing that the world expects this new console to be announced any day now.
Source: [GameSkinny via GoNintendo]