Fire Emblem: Awakening's official television commercial has debuted and, surprisingly, it doesn't reek of Nintendo's cheesy odor. I think we can all agree then when it comes to marketing, Nintendo has struck out lately — particularly with the Wii U.
This brings us to today's trailer for Fire Emblem: Awakening. Nintendo has released a new 30-second spot for the strategy-RPG and it' is really intense. The trailer is a mix and match of cutscenes and gameplay dubbed with an intense voice-over boldly claiming: "This is Fire Emblem: Awakening. The choices you make here last forever."
It continues, "Every decision counts. This is life. This is death. This is Fire Emblem: Awakening."
Though it is a bit melodramatic, I do have to say, gameplay is every bit as intense as this trailer makes it out to be. Look out for Fire Emblem: Awakening on February 4 for 3DS.