No Man’s Sky explores the space of Game Informer’s Cover

It's a pun.

How often do you see Science Fiction games get highlighted instead of first-person shooters or role-playing games? Not very often, but Game Informer will be changing that in their next issue of its magazine.

The issue will cover the Top 25 Science Fiction games and it's highlighted by the space exploration game, No Man's Sky. 

Hello Games, the developers behind No Man's Sky, are a team of four guys that came together with the dream of creating their own game (and they did!). The Game Informer issue will show off the huge galactic map, the enemies you'll be battling, the economy, upgrades and so much more. If you've been interested in No Man's Sky, this is the issue that will satisfy your need for more details.

Check out the official Science Fiction Issue's cover:

Game Informer No Man's Sky

The Science Fiction Issue will be covering more than No Man's Sky, but it's the game we know the least about…Which makes the issue pretty exciting!
