No Man’s Sky: Reactions swing between ‘boring’ and ‘incredible’

Boring Man's Sky.

No Man's Sky has been in development for five years now and it finally released on PS4 today. Fans have been hyping this game up to extreme levels, it's hard to imagine the game could have lived up to the hype fans built up for it. Sean Murray himself even said the game may not be what you imagined and will be very "divisive". At 11 PM EST last night, first reactions from fans hit social media and most of the initial reactions are… "mixed".

Many are labeling the game as boring, repetitive, but some can't shake the idea that the game is unique and could possibly be good if you invest enough time into it. Some are worrying however that this is the entire game and that all of their hope for this game has been squashed.

While a vocal few hate on the game, there are plenty of people enjoying it:

No Man's Sky is out now on PS4 both physically and digitally starting at $59.99 and will release this Friday on PC. If you already picked up the sci-fi exploration game, you can check out our starter's guide that lists some helpful tips and tricks that will help you start your journey to the center of the universe! Stay tuned to GameZone for our review which will be coming very soon.