After originally announcing that This Is The Police would release today, Developer Weappy has decided to delay the game…by five days, according to an official press release sent out today. The game will now release next Tuesday, August 2nd instead. There was no official reason given, but one could surmise that the developers would prefer to release their game on the day of the week that most game releases happen (which is normally Tuesdays).
The developers have been getting some backlash on the game, especially given the hot political climate involving the police in the United States, but in an open letter to their fans, Project Lead Ilya Yanovich explained that the game is not intended to make any political statements. He said:
"This Is the Police is not based on any actual incidents, nor does it try to portray them either directly or indirectly. We are certainly talking about problems that exist in the real world, but all the characters and their actions in the game are fictional from start to finish…
This Is the Police is not about the United States or any other individual country. We deliberately did not specify when and where the events in the game unfold — not because we were being cryptic, but because it doesn’t matter…
We do not believe that the problems discussed in the game are political in nature."
If you want to read the full letter, you can head over here.
This Is The Police will be on display at Gamescom 2016 next month beginning on Thursday, August 18th. If you're going to be at the show you can check out the game in Hall 8, booth #C020.