Forget E3, you should be playing Cliffhorse. Created by Notch himself, his first commercial, albeit joke title, after Minecraft, where you play as a horse on an island made up of hills. Oh and you can push around a ball that uses the same texture as the horse. AWESOME!
Of course, the whole game and premise is one big joke, as was asking people to contribute Dogecoins, but low and behold, he's apparently already made some money off of it.
On June 7th, Notch tweeted:
"The […] future […] of gaming" – PC Gamer | "Not even a game" – Ed Key | "Awful. 9.2/10" – IGN
— Markus Persson (@notch) June 7, 2014
followed up by:
(I can't believe this somehow ended up being my first commercial game after Minecraft)
— Markus Persson (@notch) June 8, 2014
And lastly, here is proof that some fans are so dedicated to Notch, they'll contribute to joke games like this:
Cliffhorse has made 280 000 DOGE (about 100 usd)! Celebrating by launching
— Markus Persson (@notch) June 8, 2014