NYCC 2015: Batman v. Superman viral marketing kicks off with massive teaser

LexCorp promises 'a lot to show you' this winter

A big announcement for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice will be made this winter, according to new viral marketing for the film.

Kicking off New York Comic-Con, Warner Bros. has launched a company website for LexCorp, the fictional corporation owned by Lex Luthor. The website contains a brief message about the company and tucked away at the bottom is a teaser that reads, "We've go ta lot to show you. Winter 2015."

Additionally, Warner Bros. under the guise of LexCorp will be providing NYCC attendees with free Wi-Fi and portable phoen chargers. That's not all, though. Warner Bros. has also reportedly hidden 10 LexCorp branded USB drives around NYCC "with a secret stored inside." I don't know what that secret is, but let's hope it makes its way to the internet.