Parts of The Witness playable on Virtual Reality systems, Blow reveals

Back in December, Jonathan Blow posted an image of his upcoming puzzle game The Witness, teasing some sort of Virtual Reality support — perhaps for Oculus Rift. Turns out, his post actually was a teaser for virtual reality, but not for the system we all thought. Instead, parts of The Witness will be playable through Valve's virtual reality system, recently revealed during the Steam Dev Days event.

"We worked with Valve to get support for the system in The Witness, and that’s where those screenshots come from," Jonathan Blow explained in a post today. "In late November I spent a few days at Valve’s offices working with Atman Binstock and Doug Church to adapt the HMD’s input system more thoroughly for The Witness and to build a few scenes that are playable on the device."

Although the entire game is playable on the VR device "in theory," Blow explains that rendering for VR would result in extremely high performance demands. "So the full game world with all content currentlyd oes not run fast enough for this device." He believes it's a problem that will get solved "over time."

"So, we will be supporting this device (and any similar devices) with The Witness," Blow concluded. "But I am really looking forward to see what gets designed specifically for devices like this."

Okay, so looks like Oculus Rift will get support afterall. But does this also mean that The Witness — should Sony come out with its rumored VR headset — will support Virtual Reality on the PS4? Looks like we'll have to wait and see.