As great as James McAvoy is, I'll always consider Patrick Stewart the real Professor Xavier. Stewart last portrayed the founder of the X-Men in X-Men: The Last Stand, which I considered an abomination to the franchise. It was so bad, I can't even begin to describe how bad it was. When you kill off Cyclops in the first three minutes, we're going to have a problem. Luckily, continuity aside, X-Men: First Class brought back the X-Men in a big way, redeeming the series. I think that it's time to combine the best of both worlds by bringing Patrick Stewart back into the mix, and he thinks so too.
While not an official announcement from studio execs, Patrick Stewart touched on the subject of reprising his role of Professor X at 2012 Montreal Comic Convention. When asked about returning to the series, Stewart replied, "I think there is every possiblity." He then named his female co-stars from the movies "Halle Berry! Famke Janssen! Rebecca Stamos! Anna Paquin!" He finished it with this: "Yes, I'll be reprising."
The upcoming X-Men movie, X-Men: Days of Future Past, is supposed to have time travel in it, so it could be possible that Stewart is playing an older Professor X in it. But why name all of his former female co-stars? Maybe he's hoping they fix the storyline from the trilogy he was in? What do you think about Patrick Stewart reprising his role of Professor Xavier?
You can follow Movies and Culture Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ
[Source: Comingsoon]