PAYDAY 2 has new DLC and was updated

Today, new DLC dropped for PAYDAY 2 on Steam and it's giving you a little insight on how Gage gets his products on the market. The mod itself will cost you $4.99, but rest assured – if you don't have it, you can still play with your friends that do.
Now what does the Gage Mod Courier DLC bring? This is what it brings:
  • Act as a weapon mod courier – Scattered around all of Washington D.C. are packages for the player to pick up. Gather enough packages of a certain type and you will trade those for powerful weapon modifications with Gage the arms dealer. 
  • 5 package types to find – Gage ships all his gun modifications in small, non-descript packages that are easy to carry and easy to conceal. There are five types of packages and they're ordered by the value of the contents, ranging from the Green Mantis packages to the Purple Snake ones. 
  • 28 new weapon mods to unlock – 28 new weapon mods are introduced for the player to tinker with. How about adding a rail mount for attaching scopes and sights to the Bronco revolver, turning it into a pocket sniper rifle. 
  • Ten new achievements to unlock – And finally, what would a DLC be without the added achievements to unlock. Gage heard that you didn't like stat based achievements and went out of his way to create 10 really, really hard achievements. He hopes you'll enjoy them. 
  • Introducing Reticle Switches – Gage's tech connections has allowed us to upgrade all available scopes and sights with a super useful reticle switch functionality, allowing you to individually customize the look and color of all your mounted sighting devices. Get four different reticules for free and a total of 10 reticules if you buy the DLC!

Oh, and you can check out a pretty infograph explaining the DLC.

Now, we could have split this into two news posts, but there's no reason to make you click all over the place. Here are details on the 1.1GB update that dropped along side the DLC.


  • Added a feature so that a phone icon will appear above guards and civilians when they pick up their phone to call the police 
  • Changed how the pager operator gives feedback – he will now inform the crew that they can’t answer any more pagers the fourth time a player answers a pager call 
  • Changed a feature so that the player can no longer shout at a civilian until the civilian has detected the player. This feature had no effect on gameplay before and it made it more difficult to highlight guards in areas crowded by civilians 
  • During stealth Bain now informs the crew if a new guard is about to arrive 
  • Changed the timer on the spawning patrol guards to make it more balanced for each difficulty 
  • Changed how the exclamation and question marks work on hostages so that they won’t appear when they’re cable tied 
  • Added a feature so that a dead guard's highlight will blink a few seconds before it’s too late to answer the pager

  • Changed the point of no return timer on the Train Heist on the Death Wish difficulty from 15 seconds to 300 seconds 
  • Fixed an issue where a fifth guard would sometimes spawn on the Go Bank heist, which made it impossible to complete the heist in stealth 
  • Fixed an issue where the Key Card asset wouldn’t spawn on Election Day day one and day two 
  • Fixed an issue where the Body Bags asset always spawned on Big Oil day one 
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in garbage containers 
  • Fixed an issue where players could look into the closed train carts on Train Heist 
  • Fixed an issue where a team AI followed the player in stealth on Election Day day one

  • Added sound for player character when highlighting cameras in stealth 
  • Added sound for player character when highlighting guards in stealth 
  • Added new sound variations for Bain when applying the drill 
  • Added footstep sounds for the Bulldozer 
  • Added sound to the garbage containers 
  • Added sound when opening ATM machines 
  • Added a sound for breaking the computer monitors on Election Day day two
  • Added a chat in so that you can chat with your friends while you’re looking for jobs and they’re in the planning phase 
  • Added a start-up message in for new players to inform them about the basics and how works

  • Fixed an issue where the exclamation and questions marks wouldn’t disappear above civilians and guards for clients 
  • Fixed an issue where clients couldn’t trade civilians that were standing up 
  • Fixed a synchronization issue where scared civilians would sometimes walk through walls 
  • Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes crash if a converted cop was traded when a client was in custody 
  • Fixed an issue where the pager operator would respond while a player was answering a pager 
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash if the host was traded on Rats day one 
  • Fixed an issue where text in the chat would sometimes get cut-off 
  • Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes crash if a client left with a converted law enforcer alive 
  • Fixed an issue where the team AI would get exclamation marks above their heads when civilians got scared 
  • Fixed an issue where the outline of a converted law enforcer would sometimes not appear 
  • Fixed a trading issue related to the converted law enforcers 
  • Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes crash when a job failed 
  • Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes crash in 
  • Fixed a crash related to the enemy AI behavior
