We are truly living in the future. Members from peripheral developer Hyperkin are giving gamers a glimpse at their latest project: a modded Nintendo 64 controller that works with the Xbox One.
You read that correctly. These guys set out to create a cable gamers can attach to their old N64 controllers to work with the Microsoft console in anticipation of the Rare Replay Collection. While the controller is still in the prototype stage, you can see the guys at Hyperkin are on the right track, which means we could soon have the possibility of playing classic games like Banjo Kazooie the way they were meant to be played.
As a fan of controllers both modern and retro, it's really exciting to see this type of product not too far off from being a reality for everyone. Leaves me salivating at the possibility of whipping out my SNES controllers and doing some damage on my Wii virtual console.
Don't forget, the Rare Replay Collection is set to release on Xbox One August 4th, 2015, and gamers are already contemplating the possibilities of earning an extra 10,000 achievement points.