Player proves Warlocks can do anything in Destiny by soloing Oryx

You may call it cheap, I call hard work.

Bosses in multiplayer games are typically created with the intention of forcing players to group up with other players in order to defeat the boss in question. If you're a Warlock in Destiny, you might not need to go through all the effort of finding a group to run with. 

YouTuber The Great Gatsby logged onto his Warlock in Destiny and 'casually' solos Oryx. Yeah, he used the word casually to describe the experience. Simply watching him take Oryx on alone had me working up a sweat – Oryx is a jerk.

Now, it might be easy to say "Yeah, he did it cause he's a Warlock. Warlock's are cheap! They can resurrect themselves," but Gatsby spent 50+ hours working on how to kill Oryx and used the gaming community to figure out how kill ads and mobs. Despite hours upon hours of crafting a strategy to defeat Oryx, Gatsby was still relying on skill and the RNG gods. He even decided not to cheese the Shades.