PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds recently got an update on its Steam Community page from 'PlayerUknown' himself. Fortunately for us, we know 'PlayerUnknown' to be developer Brendan Greene. He announced that the game's full release has been pushed back to the end of 2017.
The news of this delay will likely disappoint many of their dedicated fans, but Greene made a point to assure players that the original time frame "could hinder us from delivering a fully featured game and/or lead to disappointment within the community." So delay was the option they chose in order to polish and fix bugs to make PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds a more enjoyable game.
Greene goes on to solidify this Q4 2017 release, stating that there won't be further delay. He also promised that the news won't change the level of communication between developer and community, which the title has been famous for.
"We will continue to push weekly and monthly updates until full launch as we want to ensure that the game we release is the best version possible. This is why we’re giving a launch window rather than an exact date. We hope this makes sense, and appreciate your understanding."
News on the Xbox One version of the game was strangely left out of this update, although a delay for the console version would not be surprising. Here's hoping the delay spells only good things for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.