Pokemon closes out their year-long mythical ‘Mon giveaway with Meloetta

You have until December 24th, then it's all over

How fast a year flies by. It doesn't feel like it was that long ago that trainers everywhere were jumping for joy at the news that Pokemon would be giving away (almost) every legendary/mythical event Pokemon that they've ever released over the course of an entire year. GameStop got in on the action as well, as some months you had to roll on over to one of their stores for a code, but this month, you can do it right from the comfort of your home. The final Mythical Pokemon giveaway is Meloetta, and she's available for download via Mystery Gift right now.

Meloetta originally debuted in Black and White 2 back in 2012 as an event Pokemon and has been quite a difficult find over the last few years for those who weren't able to get her then. Meloetta has two forms, the Aria Forme and Pirouette Forme, and her change is accessed by the move Relic Song. You have to teach Meloetta the move via a tutor in X/Y/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, and once you use it in battle, she will transform into her Pirouette Forme.

This particular Meloetta comes at level 100 with the moves Quick Attack, Confusion, and Round, along with an empty slot (presumably) to teach her Relic Song. Meloetta's Hidden Ability is Serene Grace which doubles the chance of a move having an additional effect (such as confusion, stat alteration, etc.).

If you're currently playing Sun and Moon, you will have to wait until January when the game becomes compatible with Pokemon Bank. You will only be able to download Meloetta in X/Y/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire and make sure to save your game once you pick her up from the Delivery Girl.

Source: [Pokemon]