Pokemon GO dev working on a fix for a new bug that affects throwing accuracy

You fix one thing, and three others fall apart...#devlife

If nothing else, Niantic has constantly been on top of Pokemon GO's development, despite what comments sections around the internet would have you believe. One of the latest bugs that game is currently going through is one that affects throwing accuracy, which apparently, in turn, increases the odds of a Pokemon escaping and denies the XP bonus. So…basically three things are wrong.

According to a new tweet on the official Pokemon GO Twitter page, developer Niantic says that they are busy on a fix. Here is the tweet: 

Pokemon GO has had no shortage of news since launching early last month. Niantic is also currently working on a fix to get the game's battery saver mode back in the hands of iOS users while the legendary Articuno accidentally found its way into certain trainers' hands, but was unfortunately revoked

Source: [Twitter via NeoGAF]