Pokemon GO’s first update hits iOS


Following the panic around Pokemon GO allegedly allowing Niantic (or hackers) access to your full Google profile on the iOS version, including the ability to read emails and more, Niantic has released its first update for Pokemon GO. Now, Pokemon GO never really allowed Niantic access to your full Google account, it was simply an out of date API that was causing the issue.

Regardless, Niantic has released an update to quell any worries that fans may still have and to make the log in process easier for users (especially with how annoying it can be with servers going down). This new update will effectively update the API for Pokemon GO, bringing a new set of Google permissions that explicitly state that the app will only "Know who you are on Google" and "View your email address."

  • Trainers do not to have to enter their username and password repeatedly after a force log out
  • Added stability to Pokémon Trainer Club account log-in process
  • Resolved issues causing crashes
  • Fixed Google account scope

The update is currently only available to iOS users and it's unclear if or when the update will release on Android devices.