Portal 2 in Motion’s new co-op campaign supports cross-play

Sixense Studios' Portal 2 in Motion is finally receiving a co-op campaign.

The downloadable content pack, which released last November for PlayStation 3, included 20 levels designed for play with the PlayStation Move. They were the same ones originally tested with the expensive Razer Hydra wand-like controller for PC.

But it was a single-player experience only — until now. Players can download a new patch with the co-op content Non-Emotional Manipulation today for free, according to the PlayStation Blog. Sixense made these levels specifically with the PS Move in mind, and they build on the mechanics introduced in the DLC. Co-op works both in local split-screen with two Move controllers or online with a friend.

Sixense also confirmed that PC players who own the Portal 2 Sixense MotionPack, which uses the Hydra, can join in through cross-play.

Portal 2 in Motion added exclusive motion-sensitive features like Portal Surfing, Object Scaling, and One-to-One.

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