In a very ambiguous post made to PlayStation Blog, Social Media Manager Sid Shuman posted a video titled: #PlayStation2013. With the headline "See the Future," is it possible that this is the PlayStation 4 announcement everyone is waiting for? With a short 45-second video that shows pretty much nothing other than the Feb. 20th 2013 date and the annotation "Be the first to know," that brings you to U.S. PlayStation site, the PS4 announcement rumor is flying around the internet.
The fact that they're saying "See the future" while showing PlayStation 2013 leads me to believe that the PlayStation 4 will be announced February 20th. Our editor Matt Liebl just got back from a Sony event where he got a bunch of juicy gossip on the next-gen console, so look for more on that later.
You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at