Whether it's a chair, a cup of coffee or a daily routine, almost everything is a point of interest in Bethesda's upcoming game called 'Prey. During E3 2016 Bethesda announced a new game called Prey, that definitely looked cool, but left a lot of questions. The developers did their best to offer up some information on the game in a video titled 'What is Prey.' In this video, we learned that Prey will not be a sequel or a remake of the original game, but a reimagining.
Now, Bethesda is back with a new video to shed a little bit more light on the game – this time focusing on the aliens. The black smoky creatures are what you'll be encountering, Bethesda doesn't want to spoil too much on the creatures, but they did detail that each of them have a purpose:
"There's a full ecology, each of them have a purpose," said creative director Raphael Colantonio. "It's only later that you really understand how they all come together. The cool thing about them though is that they have some really interesting powers, and you can learn them."
Colantino went on to speak about the space station, the game's logo and more. You can check out the video below: