Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Information Update

June 26, 2003

Prince of Persia: The Sands of
Time Information Update

The Evolution of a Prince: 3-D is
More than Skin Deep

Inspired, admired, and quite
well-attired, the modern Prince of Persia represents a pinnacle of gaming
heroes. To create a central character to whom players could immediately relate,
who would provide the point of connection between gamer and game, the
development team combined research, attention to detail, a massive amount of
animations and cutting-edge physics. But they went even further – while the
Prince possesses extraordinary abilities, he is human, and like any individual,
he grows and evolves based on the experiences he encounters during the game.

New Screens

Living the Adventure

In Prince of Persia: The Sands of
Time, the Prince lives the adventure instead of living the game. A subtle
difference, perhaps, but a crucial one: in addition to gaining access to more
power and additional weapons as he progresses, the Prince also undergoes
psychological changes as he advances on his quest to recapture the Sands of Time
and restore peace to his land. To remain consistent with the overall level of
quality in the game, the Prince reflects the story and content of the game – not
just the aftermath of his actions. The team, inspired by Bruce Willis’s
transformation from Ordinary Joe to Fighting Machine in the first Die Hard, made
sure that the main character is affected by the narrative arc of the story.
Players can see these changes in a number of ways, including the Prince’s wait
animations. At the beginning, he’s eager to fight, chomping at the bit and a bit
nervous – later in the game, he becomes more focused, less eager, and more

The Clothes Make the Man

The Prince’s physical appearance
changes through the game to reflect these internal changes. When the adventure
begins, the Prince is a talented but inexperienced fighter, an apt pupil but
untested in the field. His traditional costume – head covered, long sleeves –
reflects his lack of real-world experience. Gradually, as he encounters enemies,
traps, puzzles and other tests of mettle, the Prince becomes a battle-scarred,
stripped-down warrior – shirtless, scratched and grimy. Otherwise it would feel
too fake, like an old Western where the actors fight in mud but their shirts
stay clean and white.

Appearances Matter

That’s not to say the Prince doesn’t
care about the way he looks – he is human, after all. And a bit cocky to boot.
His white pants come, of course, from the first, classic Prince of Persia games
– the Prince has to have the white pants, but white isn’t the best color for
battle. As the Prince fights, and rolls on the ground, his pants become dirty.
If players pause for a bit without touching the stick, the Prince will actually
brush the dirt from his pants – it doesn’t do anything to advance the game, but
it’s yet another detail that helps convey the richness and depth of the