Problems loading your PS4 friends list? Users report error code ‘E-82202301’

There appears to be issues with PSN friends list showing up on the PlayStation 4. Over on the PlayStation forums there are numerous complaints from users reporting erorr code "E-82202301," which apparently seems to indicate a problem loading the friends list.

"I just started up my Ps4 and it won't load my friends up, when I went to play a game it freezes the system," wrote PS4 owner Vertexium. The thread continues with multiple users reporting similar problems, pointing out the error code.

"Mine is doing the samething!! No friends list and everything to do with the network is not working or loading," added another. "Also I tried to start a game and it locks up every time!"

At this point, it's unclear if this problem stems from the recent PlayStation Network maintenance that took place on Monday, or if this is a problem specific to the PS4. I didn't see any similar issues reported on the PS3 portion of the forum. Sony has yet to respond or acknowledge the issue and the PSN status currently reads "Online," but we have reached out to them for response.

Are you experiencing problems with PSN or loading your friends list on PS4? Let us know in the comments below.