It's been tough to get many concrete details on Microsoft's upcoming Project Scorpio, but it seems that some still unannounced games will be a big part of the console's launch. In speaking with Generación Xbox, Xbox Spain's PR and Social Manager, Juan Carlos González revealed that there would be "several" launch games for Scorpio that will have "respective benefits of the new hardware."
When asked about Scorpio's price point, he said:
"We still do not have information we can share about the Project Scorpio price. What I can say is that there will be several launching games for the game console, with the respective benefits of the new hardware."
González did not share exact details on what these games are or even if they were true first part titles, but if recent history is any indication, it would be a significant help if they were. González continued:
"There are projects and titles still unpublicized this year, that I am convinced they it will be a pleasure for many Xbox users and other users who have not take the leap from. We will have to wait a little bit to share more details, but we already know some details and this year looks very good."
It seems at this point, Microsoft is content to wait out the fan storm for the time being to set the stage for a much bigger reveal, with E3 2017 being the likely target date. Microsoft recently announced that their E3 2017 Press Conference would be held earlier this year, on Sunday, June 11th, something that Bethesda leveraged to their advantage back in 2015.
Everything remains to be seen at this point, but you have to think that something is cooking over at Xbox and that it's just a matter of time.
Source: [Generación Xbox]