Sony has hinted at possible PlayStation 4 bundles, though have yet to discuss any real details.
A PS4 bundle featuring Killzone: Shadow Fall, a second DualShock 4 controller, and the PlayStation Eye camera, has been spotted on Amazon France, however, possibly revealing any such plans Sony may have. The bundle is priced at EUR 499,99.
"We're tremendously happy with our overall value proposition, whether that be the entry price point of the machine [or] the detailed bundles and combinations that we will put on shelf at retail which we haven't fleshed out in detail as yet," Sony Computer Entertainment UK chief Fergal Gara told during Gamescom.
Even though the PS4 has already sold over one million pre-orders, a bundle would certainly help the system in the European markets where Microsoft is throwing in a free copy of FIFA 14 with every Xbox One launch console.