The Resogun reviews are in and, somewhat surprisingly, Housemarque's new shoot-em-up looks like it could be the best exclusive available on the PS4. After underwhelming scores for Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack, Resogun has proved to be quite the stand out. Here's what sites are saying:
"With some deceptively simple changes, Housemarque took a genre nearly as old as videogaming itself and made a tense, challenging, and excellent shooter. It may be short, but its addictive cycle of cylindrical shooter gameplay, great looks, and catchy music make it worth replaying in endless pursuit of that high score on the leaderboard."
"Resogun really is that rare kind of arcade game that feels like an entirely different beast when played on the toughest setting. It's also the closest the PS4 launch line-up gets to offering a genuine next-gen thrill. Granted, Housemarque's not offering the shock of the new, perhaps – all of the developer's best ideas are actually reassuringly elderly – but it's working with energy, enthusiasm, precision and love."
"Resogun is a satisfying arcade-style game with a next-gen look and feel — the ideal system launch game. It’s an eye-searing blur of a loop that you’ll be happy to jump into again and again. Don’t miss it."
"If you thought watching skyscraper demolition on television was fun, just wait until you complete your first Resogun level and get to enjoy the architecture forming the centerpiece of the level cylinder erupt in showers of cubes. It could've easily replaced the tech demo of the purple pills raining to earth that Sony showcased at the PS4 reveal. It's that impressive."
"Resogun is a smart, merciless little shooter, with just enough substance to match its extravagant flash. The humans are a welcome pain, as they always are, conspiring with relentless enemies and ostentatious graphical effects to exterminate boredom at every opportunity. Resogun may be built out of blocks, but its heart is set on another round."
"It’s hard to remember ever having quite this much fun whizzing around blowing up things in space. Resogun showcases how stunning arcade games can look with PS4 tech."
"Resogun remains fun to play even when the joy of discovery fades away. It's classic arcade action imbued with hard-hitting artistic and gameplay elements. Falling in love with Resogun is easy, and mastering it is challenging, and the combination of these two qualities makes Resogun almost impossible to put down."
Best of all, Resogun will be free-to-play at launch if you are a PlayStation Plus subscriber. Not a bad deal.