PS4 reportedly outselling Xbox One by 50 percent in UK

PlayStation 4 is outselling Xbox One by a ratio of 1.5:1 in the UK, Sony has claimed. That's almost a complete reversal from the previous generation in which the Xbox 360 outsold the PS3 by a similar ratio in the market.

 “We’ve absolutely reversed that position,” Sony UK boss Fergal Gara said during Sony's PlayStation Briefing this morning (via Edge-Online). Apparently for every one Xbox One sold, 1.5 PS4s have been sold. 

“Sales surpassed all of our dreams,” Gara said, repeating that 4.2 million PS4 consoles have been sold-through since its launch in November. "Our biggest job in the opening weeks was securing volume. We're still not in stock at retail and we continue to work on that and we're very, very, pleased with the results."