Thomas Jane, known for his role as Marvel's the Punisher, began his own Kickstarter today for a "hyper-violent" sci-fi game called Bad Planet.
A project of the Austin-based Red Fly Studio (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II for Wii, Ghostbusters: The Video Game), Bad Planet is a the third-person, episodic game that will be available for XBLA, PSN, and PC. It uses Unreal Engine 3, and by incorporating "a fast, gory, combo-based combat system, the studio will create a bold and gritty action game that will be sure to please hardcore gamers and science fiction fans alike!"
The game stars an alien warrior named the Convict who must save the planet from an invasion of intergalactic Death Spiders. It's based on Jane's and Steve Niles' (Criminal Macabre) comic book mini-series from 2005.
"Essentially, the artists/creators are in control, not some suit who's job is to appeal to the lowest common denominator," Jane told Polygon. "Think about it, what if Ridley Scott couldn't raise the money to make a sequel to Bladerunner … I think he could raise that money in a week with the fans backing it. That may be a crazy example but the point is, if fans want to see it, they'll pay in advance. I think crowd-funding low-budget film production could be very close to reality."
The Kickstarter's rewards include copies of the old comic series.
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