Racing title GTR3 confirmed in production, releasing on PC & consoles in 2018

Well this is interesting

GTR2 was a highly acclaimed racing titled and fans of the series have been asking about a third game. It looks like their desires have been asking as GTR3 has been confirmed in production to release in 2018 on PC and consoles.

The reveal came on a forum post over at Racedepartment. Sector3 and SImbin UK spoke about the game, and they hope to have a playable version on all three platforms in about six months time. The idea is to make it suitable for both casual racers and proper simulation fans according to the team.

"It will be proper simulation but for the console version the casual user is just as important," Allan Speed told "At some point RaceRoom will switch over to the technology we are creating and we'll just take that a different route, as in simulation with support for both console and PC." Chris Speed of Simbin is the brother of Allan Speed at Sector3, so they are both very much involved with the game. 

Chris also commented on how the game will cater to both PC and console fans

"I think another point we need to take note of is, whilst the PC community would love this hard core simulation thing which is fine, as Allan said there is a console community that aren't going to fully adhere to that. The product at the end of the day needs to appeal to both sides, hardcore racer as awell and the casual gamer. A game that does that really really well is Formula One. I can have fantastic fun in the simulator on PC and I can have just as much fun as a casual gamer on a console. They do it really well. I'm not saying that's something we are going to follow completely, I'm just saying that they've done it and it's possible… The best way to put it is neither side will be forgotten."

The two go into detail on the game, including its development on Unreal Engine 4, in the full forum post. GTR3 will release on PC along with Xbox One and PS4 sometime in 2018. What do you think about the return of this racing title? Let us know