RBI Baseball 14 is coming to the PS4 and Xbox One next week

Despite the fact that it already came out for the Xbox 360, PS3, iOS, and Android on April 9th, RBI Baseball '14 will get it's big league call-up next week when it releases on the Xbox One and PS4.

Xbox One owners who are desperate for baseball may be happy to pick the game up. PS4 owners, however, will probably do just fine with MLB 14: The Show.

Of course, you could always be an absolutely insane Xbox One owner like myself and pick up a PS4 for MLB 14: The Show because the Red Sox aren't doing so hot and it's driving you insane to the point of misery because they're RUINING MY SUMMAHHHHH. 

I may or may have not listened to a lot of sports talk radio growing up in Boston when the Red Sox weren't the best team in the world and still "cursed."
