Earlier this month, a freelance artist leaked that he had worked on a cinematic trailer for Fallout 4. Following the leak, the studio revealed that there was a contract keeping them from speaking on the subject and game sites should take down articles associated with the news — which inadvertently confirmed Fallout 4.
All of this has occurred without a word from Bethesda; but, Redbox has taken the news of Fallout 4 and run with it. The movie and game rental store is advertising that they will be restocking their Fallout 3 supply.
Redbox rarely spotlights older games, but Kiosks nationwide will be stocked with Fallout on June 16th – the day E3 begins. One of two things is going on: either Redbox knows something the rest of us don't know or they are feeding off of the public's hype for a Fallout 4. Interestingly enough, Bethesda's press conference (like most press conferences at E3) is happening before the E3 show floors open. Redbox might not be aware of this (or they are entirely too aware).
Either way, we have to wait until Bethesda's E3 conference on June 14th to know about Fallout 4's existence or lack there of.