Gearbox and 2K Games are reliving the 80s with their Borderlands 2 promotions. Not long after releasing a 16-bit mini-game dubbed 'The Border Lands' along with a fake review of the game, publisher 2K Games has just released a new live-action trailer for the upcoming first-person shooter that is reminiscent of the cheesy commercials we enjoyed as kids.
The commercial features the heroes in Borderlands 2 taking on a group of bandits in an over-the-top action sequence. If they ever make a Borderlands 2 movie (and I hope they don't as Hollywood ruins every game remake) I'm pretty sure this is what it would look like. In a weird way, it actually reminds me of the Street Fighter movie — in terms of cheesiness.
In an off-the-wall kind of way, it also captures the Borderlands feel. Nonstop chaos, lots of action, big explosions, and a ton of guns. What more could you ask for in a commercial for a Borderlands 2 game?
If you are looking for even more 1980s coverage of Borderlands 2, check out last month's The Border Lands game along with the review by the Angry British gamer — the first ever known video review.
Borderlands 2 will release in North American on September 18th, and internationally on September 21.