Remember those amiibo cards? You’ll be using them with Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer

For those that may not want to keep collecting bugs everyday

If you're the type that likes to obsessively decorate your house in Animal Crossing, constantly updating it with new furniture, then the next Animal Crossing game might just be the perfect one for you. Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer will task you with outfitting homes with themed furniture based on various requests from other villagers.

However, the bigger news here is that the game will support amiibo cards. These will work just like amiibo, as they're able to be scanned into the game, and will summon various villagers to your game.

For those that don't have a New 3DS, an amiibo reader will be released alongside Happy Home Designer, so players with regular 3DS systems can get in on the fun as well.

And in case you wanted to see what these cards look like, you can check that out below:

Amiibo Cards