Rian Johnson, Director of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, suggests fans avoid the new trailer

Point taken, I'm out.

In case you missed it last week, it was announced that the new and presumably, last, trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi would be released today, Oct 9. You may be dying to watch it, but the film's director, Rian Johnson, says if you want to come in clean, as in without having seen stuff that may be considered spoiler-ish, then to absolutely avoid the new trailer.

This isn't exactly earth-shattering news, I think we, the general public, have known for some time that movie trailers tend to venture down the road of over spoiling a film's plot or showing off visuals that tend to reveal a surprise, far too often. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice did something similar when they revealed Doomsday in the trailer. However, it appears that Warner Bros. has learned their lesson and with Justice League, continue to tease Superman's return, without actually showing him (minus a dream sequence).

Still, it's going to be hard to avoid watching a Star Wars trailer, especially when casual fans or the public will be talking about it. If you're like me, I'm avoiding it. However, it doesn't help with Johnson saying it's "goooooood," I hope I can hold out until December.