Ridiculous Fishing launches on Android with Humble Mobile Bundle 3

Vlambeer revealed only a couple days ago that it was bringing its popular iOS game Ridiculous Fishing to Android soon, and now it's out. That was fast.

Ridiculous Fishing is available on the Google Play store for $3. It launched yesterday with the Humble Mobile Bundle 3, so you can get it that way, too, and grab titles like Kingdom Rush, Rymdkapsel, and SpellTower along with it. You have to pay more than the average (currently over $5) to unlock it, though, but at least you'll be supporting charity and getting a lot for a little money.

The sale only lasts 12 more days, so act now if you want it.

"Android (and porting in general) is a particularly tough challenge for a game as precise and meaningful to us as Ridiculous Fishing is," wrote Vlambeer in a blog post, "but we’re happy to say we finally reached the point where we felt comfortable releasing the game recently and decided to try something we felt would harken back to our original launch plans. We wanted Ridiculous Fishing’s original launch to be surprise announcement, but way back then, a clone threw a wrench in those plans and we ended up scrambling."

The developer added, "This is our first foray into Android, and we’re quite nervous to see how this launch will go."

Clones are one matter that Vlambeer is unfortunately much too familiar with. Piracy is another, and Android is particularly prone to it.