About a month ago Harmonix put up Rock Band 4 on crowd funding site fig.co to fund a PC version of the game, with only a few hours left it seems like there won't be a Rock Band 4 on PC for a while.
Creators of Rock Band 4, Harmonix, put up a PC version of the game on crowd founding site fig.co but with less than 17 hours left they still need more than 776,000 $ to get funded. They even put up some sweet funder bundles, like a $2,500 bundle which would give ALL of the songs, and a $25,000 bundle which would have given the backer even more sweet stuff, but it doesn't seem like anyone will get their backer rewards.
Does this mean the end of Harmonix games on PC? Most likely not. Harmonix had a Reddit AMA and one of the questions were if this campaign failed whether or not Harmonix would release games for PC in the future not. Harmonix responded "Yeah, we're definitely not looking at this like 'If it doesn't fund, PC is dead to us.'
"It's more about whether or not it makes sense to bring a future game to the platform." So if this campaign fails, which it seems like it is going to, Harmonix will be a bit more hesitant to bring more games to PC, but it will not be a full stop on Harmonix games on PC.
Harmonix also said in their AMA that they have a Rock Band VR for Oculus coming and that will be on PC and they said "I can definitely see other titles fitting nicely on PC as well. We'll see!"
It might not be the end for Rock band 4 on PC but will take a while until PC gamers will get to rock out to a bunch of One Direction songs.
Source: fig.co