Look at this face. This is the face of a douchebag. This individual, who I think is one genetic step behind the rest of us in evolution, goes by the name of Adam "Killa" Sloss. Mr. Killa Sloss plays Call of Duty for Team Impact, a dominant team in the eSports scene, and purchaser of many male enhancement pills.
Team Impact was just dropped by their sponsor, Epsilon eSports, due to their recent behavior and trash talking at UMG AtLANta. Not only did they constantly berate the other team, Team EnVyUs, but they also took it to the fans, saying things like "What do you do? You watch the game. I play the game. I win. You sittin' here watchin'," in the most annoying voice possible. They also told the fans and the opposing team to look at their bank account. Hah, alright buddy.
I like the part where Adam "Killa" Sloss says, "I am a champion. You're not." Actually, your team came in third place at this tournament, so you're not a champion either. Also, you're wearing a Phillies hat. They're only ahead of the Marlins in the NL East. For real.
Unfortunately, while entertaining, behavior like this is holding eSports back in a lot of ways. Players like this are why video games aren't taken seriously by a lot of people and outlets.
You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at LLiebl@GameZone.com