Rumor: Red Dead Redemption HD remaster to be revealed alongside the PS4 Slim, Neo this week

Oh boy!

Last month it was rumored that Rockstar Games would be joining PlayStation during Sony's PlayStation Meeting on September 7th. The union between Rockstar and Sony has been around since the PlayStation 2 era, with a number of games being timed-exclusives on the PS2. Seeing Rockstar at the Sony event isn't much a surprise. 

What is surprising is that the new rumor doesn't suggest that Rockstar will be revealing a new game, but that they will be revealing a remaster. 

According to GameFocus (via NeoGaf), a Korean gaming site, Rockstar will be announcing Red Dead Redemption HD for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC during the PlayStation Meeting. That's right, if this rumor is true… Red Dead will finally be hitting the PC after years of PC gamers begging for the game's release. 

GameFocus did not detail if this HD announcement wuold come paired with the announcement of a new game, as had been previously rumored. It's interesting to see if this happens, considering the game just went backwards compatible on the Xbox One.