While Ubisoft has confirmed the Watch Dogs sequel to be coming, we haven't see or heard much about the game, save for the pre-order being seen at GameStop. Luckily, one motion capture actor was too excited for his role in the game and showed off the character he played.
The unnamed character was detailed by 'King' (via Nerd Leaks) to be the 'lead character in a new video game series.' The character, however, looks like a copy cat of the original Watch Dogs protagonist, Aiden Pearce (as seen above). Along with the caption, King included '#WatchDogs2.'
When Ubisoft began marketing Pearce, the had him wearing a scarf to cover his lower face, an 'iconic' hat and almost always holding both a cell phone and a gun.
In addition to this finding, actor Jason Kyle updated his resume to include Watch Dogs 2 voice work. Something that links directly to an image he posted from the sound booth (as seen below):
Looks like Watch Dogs 2 will be making an appearance at E3, whether or not it will be with a new lead character remains unknown.
However, we do know that no one understands what signing an NDA means anymore.