Saints Row 4: Australian for banned

The Australian Classification Board (ACB) is keeping Saints Row 4 banned from sale in Australia. A three-person panel passed the decision today, saying that the re-reviewed the "unedited" version of the game and refused game classification for the Deep Silver-published game. 

The main cause for concern was the use of drugs in Volition's over-the-top, anything goes, sandbox game. Even with the new R18+ rating, Saints Row 4 will not be sold in Australia because "drug use related to incentives and rewards is not permitted." The Steam page for Saints Row 4 lists a "Low Violence" version, and Deep Silver will submit a reworked version of the game, but unless they take out the drugs, I don't see a much different outcome.

With the R18+ rating, games that were previously not allowed in the country we permitted to be bought by people over the age of 15. Games that have earned the rating are Ninja Gaiden and Dead Island RiptideSaints Row 4 is the first to be denied the classification.

You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at


[ACB via Joystiq]