In late August of 2014 it was announced that the brutal 2D action RPG platformer Salt and Sanctuary would be heading to the PlayStation 4 and Vita this year. Since the official announcement of the game the last we heard (or saw) was that the developer Ska Studios took Salt and Sanctuary to PlayStation Experience.
In the game, you are a sailor shipwrecked onto a strange island in the midst of a centuries old war. The only concept of safety is in Sanctuaries, the place where travelers come together and find both shelter and safety.
If Salt and Sanctuary looks somewhat familiar, it's because it is based on both classics like Castlevania and newer games like Dark Souls. You'll find yourself in the familiarity of 2D sidescrollers and the concept of the 'fat roll' from Souls (you know – when you're armor and weapons weight affects your speed/movement). Ska Studios is looking to launch their game on the PS4 and Vita first, then mosey onto other platforms after a timed exclusivity to PlayStation.
We have reached out to the developers for more information on Salt and Sanctuary.