Screencheat is headed to the PS4 and it’s bringing back screen peaking

This... could be fun

Remember playing 007: Golden Eye on your N64 and yelling about those dirty cheatin' screenpeakers? If you thought those days were gone, suprise! They are back!

The PlayStation 4 is going to get Steam's two-to-eight-player split-screen shooter, Screencheat. Everyone is invisible in the game – everyone – the only way for you to win the game is by looking at other players screens and figuring out where they are (followed by a spray and pray with your weapon).

There are ten different weapons to choose from, there's the Blunderbuss that shoots best at a short distance, the Sörgeån that fires a rocket propelled yo-yo mace, the Hobby Horse a toy horse and sword that you ride on at lightning speed to skewer opponents and more. ALike the choise of weapons there are ten maps each with a different playstyle (open, multilevel, and a giant loop).

In order to break routine, there are only 9 different game modes.

