Screenshots leaked for Alien Isolation

Eurogamer has reported that four screenshots that popped up on Twitter and NeoGAF are in-game screenshots of Alien Isolation, the new Alien game from Creative Assembly — the studio best known for their Total War games.

The game is reportedly a first-person shooter that combines stealth and horror; comparisons were made to Dishonored and BioShock. The game revolves around Amanda Ripley — Ellen Ripley's daughter. That's all that is known at this time, but the screenshots do look promising. Creative Assembly definitely has a cool look down.

Alien Isolation is said to be releasing on current and next-gen consoles sometime next year, and it's reasonable to expect a PC release as well. Hopefully it's better than Gearbox's Aliens: Colonial Marines. I'm a little wary of playing any character that's been in the movies, or even related to a main character. After what they did with Corporal Hicks, my skepticism is warranted. Personally, I'd prefer a game where you play as Ellen Ripley's cat, Jones. I call him Jonesy, though.

You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at