Are you all enjoying your green Nissan Leaf Charging Station? If so, get ready for some more goodies as EA has announced SimCity's next set of campaign-driven, in-game objects.
An all new Attractions Set, featuring five fun tourist hot spots, are coming to the game thanks to Crest Oral-B. To get the new set of attractions, which will increase tourism and Sim happiness for low wealth sims, all you have to do is purchase specially marked Crest or Orabl-B products (look for the orange sticker on the pack). It should be noted, this only applies to residents within the United States.
So what will you get with your purchase? The five attractions are: Giant Garden Gnome, Dolly the Dinosaur, Llarry the Llama, MaxisMan Statue and the World’s Largest Ball of Twine. Once redeemed, each of these attractions can be found in the Culture menu of the game.
Sponsored objects in SimCity have been a subject of hot debate lately. To be fair, promotions with external companies are nothing new to the industry. Not long ago, Gears of War: Judgment had a promotion with Oberto in which specially marked packages of beef jerky contained a code for a character skin. With numerous bugs still present within the game, many feel EA and Maxis would be better focused on fixing the issues at hand, rather than implementing new features — especially ad-driven features. I'd personally like to see larger plots so that I can actually fit all of these cool attractions and in-game items in my city.
Where do you stand on the in-game ads for SimCity? For or against?