Skyrim patch files hint Snow Elves, crossbows as DLC

Oftentimes, in preparation for the future release of content, developers will include files for upcoming updates or DLC in a patch.  Bethesda is no different, with the most recent Skyrim patch containing file strings that suggest future downloadable content will include Snow Elves, crossbows, and more.

Skyrim fan Kerellan, while poking around the files for patch 1.5.26, uncovered what looks like files associated with the first DLC for the game.

Posting his findings on the Bethesda forums, you can see the findings associated with "DLC01" include Snow Elves, a Snow Elf prince, crossbows, new vampire feeding animations, and something prefixed "RF". 

Most of the files are self-explanatory, but the "RF" prefix remain a mystery.  Some believe it relates to the initials of a new follower.

It shouldn't be too long before we find out exactly what these files mean.  Yesterday, Bethesda's Pete Hines announced he was working on getting "a little more info" out about the upcoming Skyrim DLC.  He hopes to reveal DLC details, as well as confirm a Skyrim Kinect release date by next week.