French studio Technicolor Animation Productions and Sony Interactive Entertainment is in works to produce a CG-animated TV series based on Sly Cooper.
Sly Cooper is a best-selling PlayStation series about a raccoon thief in a world of anthropomorphic animals. As a modern-day Robin Hood, Sly steals his share of treasure, but he also does a world of good for his city.
In the series, Sly is a silver-tongued rogue who actually fights for the side of good. He's aided by his two friends, Murray the hippo (the muscle of their operations) and Bentley the turtle (the brains of the group.) Forever on their tail (animal puns intended) is Inspector Carmelita Fox, who is unfortunately smitten by Sly's irresistible charm.
Sly Cooper, a series from the PS2 video game renaissance era, was a stealth platformer. A mix of Jak & Daxter with a tiny touch of Metal Gear Solid. It was a game for all ages and did quite well for itself. The colorful cast of characters really outdid the games before it, to the point where a TV show really fits Sly Cooper's MO.
This series seems like it was made for a TV show, and if handled correctly, should make quite a series. Being a French studio, Technicolor Animation Productions could really bring a resurgence to the series. Wakfu is another French animation that's also a video game, to give an accurate comparison.
No news has been revealed on a release date, but keep it tuned to GameZone to find out as soon as we do.