While The Last of Us' emotionally-charged Left Behind DLC is preparing to be released as a standalone, Grant Voegtle has been preparing the final episode of his six-part The Last of Us cinematic series. Cinematic playthroughs can be like a dime a dozen, but some definitely outshine others. Whether its how the video is edited or how the player plays the game, some can simply be amazing.
Voegtle's series is one of those amazing playthroughs. Each episode of his series is cut into a TV-style episode that doesn't emphasis on the game's gameplay or combat, but more on the world, characters and story. Given the rich narrative of Naughty Dog's game, it works beautifully in this episode-like format.
The motivation to create this style of playthrough came from people not having enough time to play the critically acclaimed game: "I was hearing that people wanted to share the story of The Last of Us with their family, but they just didn't have the time to have them sit down and play the entire game," Voegtle said. "Hearing that and knowing that I could do that for people — that's been the most motivating thing so far to keep me working on it."
The creating the series was a labor of love, each episode of the six part series can be anywhere from 30 to 40 minutes, each episode took around 20 to 30 hours to complete, including countless playthroughs.
If you have yet to play the game, be aware there will be spoilers for the story: