It's been a good year to be a Sonic fan, with the successful modernization on the series' classic formula with Sonic Mania already on store shelves, but SEGA has stepped forward to reveal the release date Sonic Forces. The game will be launching on November 7th and pre-orders for the physical-only Bonus Edition are open starting today.
Sonic Forces Bonus Editon comes with four Sonic Forces art cards and the SEGA/ATLUS PACK add-on, which brings 13 in-game outfits and accessories to make your custom hero character look like classic SEGA characters from games like Persona 5, Jet Set Radio, and Super Monkey Ball.
Here's what they look like:
It's worth noting that Xbox One and PS4 players will get the same goodies as well. Also, certain retailers will have an additional Shadow Costume for your custom hero character, though details on which ones participating in the giveaway were not announced.
Digital pre-orders for Sonic Forces will go live at a later date.
Sonic Forces combines classic 2-D Sonic with 3-D "Modern Sonic" gameplay mechanics and will feature some levels that flip-flop between the two perspectives.
Sonic Forces releases on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC (digital-only) on November 7th, 2017.