Sony cancels Diablo-esque Vita game Warrior’s Lair

The Diablo-like game Warrior's Lairpreviously known as Ruin — has been canned. It was in development for PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3 and was an early cross-play title.

"Sony Computer Entertainment can confirm that Warrior’s Lair for PS Vita is no longer in development," a Sony representative told IGN today. "We apologize to those who preordered the title and ask that they contact their retailer directly to cancel their presale."

Idol Minds was the developer originally attached to the project — the same company that recently released Ratchet: Deadlocked HD for PlayStation Network. Sony San Diego Studios later took over the project, which was revealed in 2011. The action-role-playing game was expected to release in early 2012.

Sony has more than 85 titles slated for PlayStation Vita by the end of 2013, but Warrior's Lair won't be one of them.

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